Creating the European Area of Higher Education

eBook - Voices from the Periphery, Higher Education Dynamics

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781402046162
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 318 S., 5.75 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2007
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


COM(91) 349 final and the Peripheries of European Higher Education Voldemar Tomusk Open Society Institute Budapest For a man who no longer has a homeland, writing becomes a place to live. Theodor Adorno, Minima Moralia 1. REDEMPTIVE IRONY OF STRATEGIES AND PROCESSES It is unfortunate to a degree that as soon as we begin discussing our human condition in the third millennium since mankind was offered its salvation, and the state of our institutions that structure and guide our existence as social beings in order not to act as beasts or mere social animals, we cannot avoid the word ironic. For the people of intellectual calling who cannot but try to make sense of what is happening around, in and with us beyond digestion in the broad sense of the term, that is beyond the consuming the resources of the earth, ironic is the word without which nothing can be said any longer. Deliver Us from Irony is the title of a recent paper by a young historian discussing the last great post-modern historian Hayden White in his approach of employing epistemological irony against moral irony (Paul 2004). The degree to which our existence has become ironic is truly tragic, though it could be worse. Human existence has become ironic so much that one can but weep. However, there are other ways to explain the situation.


Acknowledgments.- Introduction: COM(91) 349 final and the Peripheries of European Higher Education. What is the Point of Bologna in National Reform? The Case of Norwegian Quality Reform in Higher Education. The Bologna Process in Finland: Perspectives from Basic Units.- Searching for the Sub-Plot Between the Lines of Bologna: Qualms and Conservatism of the French Academia in the Face of European Competition. Emergent European Educational Policies Under Scrutiny: The Bologna Process from a Central European Perspective.- The Bologna Process: An Estonian Perspective. What the Bologna Process says about Teaching and Learning Development in Practice: Some Experience from Macedonia. Restructuring Bulgarian Higher Education: The Bulgarian Strategy Towards The Bologna Declaration.- Turkish Academics in Europe: Nomads Chasing a European Dream.- The Challenge of Bologna: The Nuts and Bolts of Higher Education Reform in Georgia. Pizza Bolognese à la Russe: Promise and Peril of the Bologna Process in Russia. European Students in the Periphery of the Bologna Process. The End of Europe and the Last Intellectual: Fine-Tuning of Knowledge Work in the Panopticon of Bologna.

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